The proposing organisations interfel (interbranch organisation for fresh fruit and vegetables, located in france), the national apo (association of producer organisations) tomatoes and cucumbers of france, the french interbranch organisation for bananas (aib), the nak - nemzeti agrÁrgazdasÁgi kamara (national chamber of agriculture, located in hungary) and the apaq-w – agence wallonne pour la promotion d'une agriculture de qualite (public administration unit created by walloon decree) are looking for a three-year period for several implementing and evaluating bodies for a three year european information provision and promotion programme to be implemented in france, in belgium and in hungary. partners are concerned by one or several lots according to the activities they develop within the european programme.

75017 PARIS

Service - Appel d'Offres Ouvert

Date limite de l'offre : 24/02/2025 à 17h00

Avis initial
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Avis à proximité :


Travaux de réalisation des sous-stations du réseau de chaleur UniGéo

Date limite de dépôt :
10/03/2025 à 12h00

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  • Déposez votre candidature en 5 minutes
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